When you think of an inspirational landscape, what comes to mind? Everyone has different preferences, but a lot of people will immediately think of mountaintops. Look up “inspirational photos” online and you are bound to see more than a few beautiful, transcendent summits.
As human beings, we are naturally drawn to the heights. Mountains are breathtakingly beautiful and remind us how small we are. At the same time, when we look up at mountaintops, a part of us feels like we are standing there, surveying the world from high above, which can make us feel mighty. And for mountaineers who take on that challenge, summiting a mountain can be a life-changing experience.

Even if you don’t have the chance to scale a mountain in the wilderness though, you can still look up at the peaks and admire them and find inspiration. Perhaps looking through photos of some of these beautiful peaks will help you find the courage to climb the mountains in your everyday life and admire the view from on high.

Here are 10 of the most beautiful mountains in the world.

1. The Matterhorn, Switzerland

This mountain peak is going to be high on a lot of lists. While the beauty of any given mountain may be subjective, there is no denying that the Matterhorn is striking enough to stand out. It is immediately recognizable, even if you have only seen it in photographs a handful of times. This mountain is iconic of the Swiss Alps, and also serves as a very exciting and dangerous climb for those who wish to ascend. The Matterhorn is subject to very unpredictable weather. This can make it difficult for climbers. The dramatic weather can certainly accent the beauty of the mountain though, adding to its allure.